Thursday 13 November 2008

The top 8 toilet training tips for your cat!?!

As a nation we love cats, even their fierce independence, stubborn streak a mile wide and sometimes downright snooty behaviour doesn’t put us off and here in the UK we own more cats than any other animal. Despite our love affair with all things feline, thousands of cats still end up in rescue homes every year, and one of the most common reasons for surrendering an animal is the refusal to use a litter box.

So what can you do if your cat refuses to be toilet trained and use a litter box?

1. Firstly, take your cat to the vet to rule out any underlying medical problems. A urinary tract or bladder infection could be making your pets life a misery or problems such as diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid disease mean your cat will be drinking far more than normal.

2. Neutering a male cat may also help to stop any territorial spraying, as removing the testosterone reduces the tendency for male cats to want to be dominant and mark their territory.

3. Some cats are extremely picky over the type of litter used so it may be worth experimenting to find your cats preference. If you have a fussy cat and need to change the type of litter for any reason always mix the new variety in a little at a time – that way your cat won’t freak out and go on litter strike!?!

4. Where you position the litter box is also an important factor for your cat in deciding whether to use the box or not. Cats like privacy and a litter tray in the middle of a busy hallway is very unlikely to get used at all.

5. Previous experience can matter too, if something fell with a loud band next to the litter box when your cat was last using it – he’ll avoid it like the plague from that point on!?!

6. Believe it or not some cats can be as picky about the type of litter box as they are about the type of litter in it!?! Unfortunately there is no hard or fast rule as it is down to your own cats personal preference again - some cats prefer a covered box while others will only use a tray, so the only way to discover what suits your cat is to leave a variety of different trays and boxes around the house.

7. Cleanliness is a virtue for all cats and they don’t want to use a dirty bathroom anymore than we do so scoop and change on a daily basis!!!

8. Finally always keep a spare litter tray for cleaning days - that way if your cat feels the urge while you are cleaning out his litter box, he won’t leave you a little present on the floor to clean up afterwards!?!

Hopefully some of these tips will prove useful when you are trying to encourage your feline friend to become more house trained, and will save you a fortune on carpet cleaning at least!?! Here at the
Aquatic and Pet Warehouse we’re only an e-mail or phone call away if you need any advice – and remember we’re online too if you need any supplies!!!

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